How to Contribute to The Web Site

Table of Contents:

This website is implemented using GitHub Pages service which makes it easy to create a website associated with a GitHub account or project. GitHub Pages uses Jekyll, a tool to automatically build a website from source files (which are kept in GitHub). The site content is written using the easy Markdown syntax (which is used by GitHub itself).

A beginner’s guide provides some useful hints to make using Jekyll in the HEPiX context easier. It is recommended to read it if you are not familiar with Jekyll.

How to add and edit information

For adding information to this site or modifying it, we follow the pull request workflow in GitHub.

You must start by forking our website repository and then, clone your fork (not the website repository) with your preferred Git client. Once you have done it, for every contribution you’d like to make, the workflow is:

If you wish (and it is recommended), you can easily set up a local instance of this web site in order to preview your submissions. See the documentation on installing and running Jekyll. The website uses the master branch of the repository.

If you are not familiar with GitHub and Git, read our survival kit!

General structure of website content files

All Markdown files of this site start with a section surrounded by ---. This so-called front-matter section contains metadata about the content. Such metadata are e.g. the author of the document or the title of the document.

In the front-matter (but not in the text itself), you need to replace any & characters (which has a special meaning in HTML) by &. This is particularly important for the title attribute.

Adding a working group

To add a working group in the main menu and to allow to add pages attached to this working group, it is necessary to:

Useful references